Hello Everyone….

There will be no “Official” style minutes this time from Cal, but, there is some news to share. I called the meeting to order unofficially, and said there was to be a quick election of the club members before the meal would be served. I had previously asked Michael MacKenzie if he would be our new President, and he stood and said yes if I volunteered to be Vice President for when he cannot come due to him living out of town. Knowing how difficult it is to find someone to take both these positions, this was a rush job. I asked Brenda if she would stay memberships, and she said yes..I asked Brenda if she would stay as “back-up” for treasury should my health take a turn, or was unable to get it done for whatever reason. Thankfully she said yes, as she is already done all the paperwork with the bank last fall. Cal graciously said yes, he would keep taking notes as secretary, and Rick Peterson will stay as Political Liason. I will fill in for Jerry’s “phone committee” should the need arise. Please use MY NUMBER now for any inquiries by phone 250-309-xxxx, as Jerry’s is now not in service.

I wish to thank those (you know who you are) for being kind to me when I had a bit of a meltdown. It was my first event like this without my sweetie by my side.

Meal time and preparations:- this I have a lot to say about, and I will be discussing it with the church when I pay up another years rent at the beginning of the year. When we originally rented the basement, we had use of the whole open area, kitchen inclusive. We were told to just leave it all neat and tidy, like you find it, being sure to put things away in cupboards and leave tables in that certain configuration for the others that use the rooms also. With the childs daycare being there, we do not get to use the open space, which is fine..BUT: they are scattering more and more of their papers, toys boxes and bean bag chair blocking coming and going from the one exit. Last night was more messy than normal. Artwork out, cardboard boxes etc left on the shuffleboard, and dishes at the sink area not washed, dried and put away. This needs to be corrected, and their stuff put away too. The kitchen is a necessary involvement for our potlucks, so this needs to be addressed.

The dinner timing:- this is my fault. I thought 5pm for open door..quick meeting just before dinner at 6. Not good planning. My apologies. 5:30 for doors open would have been better, as childcare is done at that time.We must stay out of there until that time is up. 6:30-7 would be a better time for dinner as some of the members work, or need to travel from out of town. Even a bit later for doors open so- 6 pm and dinner at 7 would work out better in the long term. Needs to be discussed at next meeting Michael, please??.

Memberships: It was in the minutes, which apparently you either don’t read, or or you ignored what was said at the meetings about the dinner. All memberships must be paid before the dinner and some of you did NOT pay. More than once I asked you all to be sure and sign the book and pay your dues to Brenda. Some of you did not. Some only come to the dinner and we never see them at the meeting or events. That’s not fair to those that pay, and it is one of the cheapest memberships for any club. Do better please. If you do not wish to be a paid up member, please let me know and you will be taken off our list of mailing also. Next meeting is Feb.4- as there is no Jan. meeting.

I hope the three that ended up with one of Jerry’s buckle collection will look at it and think fondly about him once and while. We were avid collectors of things, and I love talking about them and him too, so don’t be afraid to come share and talk about Jerry. He may have died, but my love for him and all things Jerry has not died. Lets not shuffle around mentioning him please.

Birthdays for Dec. go out to: Steve Fulbrook Fred Lubberts + Rob Lus + Monika Courtemanche

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, may you get lots of food in your belly, and lots of warm friendly hugs.