The Vernon Placer Mining Club was originally founded by Clare Hewson about 28 years ago. We are a non profit club. We participate in community events/panning demonstrations/panning courses/and have club outings. Some of our outings are to other members claims. To come along, you must be a paid up member. We have a club picnic and camping weekend in July, and a Christmas dinner together. Many businesses in the community also help out our club year after year, so please shop locally and thank them for their support!

President……………………..Gerry Morrison
Vice President……………….Jonathan Paull
Secretary……………………..Cal Olsson
Treasurer……………………..Donna Smith
Membership/Social/Raffle…..Donna Smith
Phone Committee Chairman…Jerry Stainer
Refreshments………………..Donna Smith
Political Liaison & Information Committee Representative…Rick Peterson
BC Open Gold Panning Championships Chairman: Jonathan Paull.   Co-Chair: Mike Spotton

1. Promote the heritage of placer mining in BC.
2. Protect the right of placer miners.
3. Educate recreationalist interested in prospecting in procedures that ensure environmental values are protected.
4. Ensure that every citizen, including our children and grandchildren maintains the right to experience prospecting and placer mining in BC.
5. Ensure that every citizen has the right to attempt to make a living by placer mining.
6. Communicate with governments and provide input into the future of placer mining in BC.
7. Promote recreation prospecting and placer mining as a tourist attraction in BC.
8. Promote good fellowship among all placer miners and recreation miners whom we meet beside a stream.