General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club Met February 4, 2025 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. President Mike McKenzie opened the meeting at 7:10 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. 12 members were in attendance.
 December 2024 minutes were read and accepted by show of hands.
-Email from Enderby Riverside R.V. Park asking whether we would be doing the BC Open World Gold Panning Championship this year.
 Membership Report by Brenda Morrison: – 11 families are currently paid up members in good standing. -13 Life timers in good standing – 5 Honorary members in good standing..  Yearly dues are due in December. Dues are $20.00 per year per family. 
 Treasurer’s Report Donna Smith : Income………. $ Expenses…………….. $ Balance……………… (in the black) 
 Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes: 
-A disscussion about insurance. Decided as we are a non profit group of volunteers, and we aren’t doing the BC Open, as such, this year will defer from getting the insurance. We are going to just refer to ourselves as a now social club.
 New Business
– 1. Donna Smith moved we have a Gold Panner’s social event on May 17th and 18th long weekend, at Enderby Riverside RV Park . Seconded by Karen McKenzie. For entertainment will have activities used in placer prospecting and mining: gold rush, claim staking (non-virtual) , dirt toss, metal detecting (Saturday night), learn to pan, etc.. Pot luck in camp kitchen on Saturday evening, live music. Discussed voted and passed.  Donna said there will be draw tickets for suitable table prizes (nuggets included) but not the big variety of coffee can raffle stuff. 
– 2. Donna Smith moved we have a potluck dinner at next months meeting ( March 4th 2025) starting at 6:30 pm. Seconded by Louie Yonkman. Discsussed , voted on and passed. No phone calls will be made to see what to bring, figure it out yourself, and Donna will be sure to bring paper plates and cutlery and salt and pepper. Keeping it simple not fancy like Christmas.
– Presentation 1. Donna explained to us the main reason why we aren’t doing the BC Open this year. Jerry had the practical knowledge, from experience, of how to put on a world class open gold panning championship. Jerry’s demise was very sudden and he had only passed this knowledge on to Johathan Paull who , unfortunately , had a conflict with doing the event on the may long weekend . This was due to family priorites which trumped anything else. Jerry  has often asked for someone to take over, and no one stepped up.   We also have a very low gold supply , so more would need to be purchased
– Announcements. 1. Kim Creed’s email about how lucky the gold diggers have been so far.
-2.  Donna suggested to get in Contact with the Alberta Prospectors Club to join in their group outings. They come out and support us, and as Jerry and I have attended their games, you might like to attend theirs    – yearly Membership fees have not changed in a very long time and are as reasonable as ever – $30 for Family / $20 for Singles and either be renewed via mail at the address below, or by e-transfer to (please use “Gold” as the answer to the security question. Alberta Gold Prospectors Association (in full please)c/o Secretary/Treasurer  P.O. Box 78034  383 Heritage Dr SE Calgary, AB  T2Y 2Y1 Kathy Trombley Secretary/Treasurer AGPA
-3. The first nugget door prize was won by Pat Yonkman 50/50 draw, $21.00 won by Cal Olsson President 
 Social Convener’s Report by Brenda Morrison: Best Wishes for a happy birthday for February 2025 go out to: Heather Montgomery  Attila Vasarehelyi  Allan Walls   Allan Wood  
President Mike Mckenzie adjourned the meeting at 8:34 PM. 
 Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Ken Montie for Rick Peterson Ken reported that its up in the air if the bc govt. or the individual potentially new tenure holder will have to deal with the indigineous cultures for permitting a new claim. Should be resolved by this March; until then delays in getting new staked claims should be expected. Get in touch with Rick at; 250-681-xxxx or email for any questions, clarifications, comments.